Pregnant? Don't know what to do? Be careful who you ask for help!

In West Virginia, and all around the United States, places that call themselves "pregnancy crisis centers" or "pregnancy resource centers" are often actually anti-abortion centers. These places trick pregnant people into thinking they are gaining impartial information about their options - including abortion access if that is what they choose. Instead, the centers use disinformation and other types of subterfuge to try to persuade their clients to carry their pregnancies to term with no consideration given to their health or personal circumstances. In fact, most are actually faith-based, and very few of them even have medical care providers on staff. Unfortunately, these places often pop up at the top of Internet searches and are falsely listed as abortion and/or reproductive care clinics.

We have identified 22 such centers in West Virginia. They are pinned on the map below, and listed in a chart below the map. If you are searching for impartial assistance with a pregnancy, from a provider with no agenda regarding your decision about whether or not to terminate your pregnancy, please avoid these places. If, on the other hand, you have already decided to carry your pregnancy to term or decide to do so in the future, you may find many types of assistance at these centers, like pregnancy testing, diapers and other baby items, parenting education, and counseling.

The decision is yours, please make sure you get the best information you can if you need help making it. If you need help getting the information you need to make the best decision for yourself, do not rely on these centers to provide accurate, unbiased information. Instead, get your information from a real medical provider like an OB/GYN or a midwife - their first responsibility is to your health and wellbeing, not to the anti-abortion movement. We wish you luck and happiness with whatever decision you make.
